Available lectures

Build an AI-Powered Full-Stack Angular App - Master Class by Nir Kaufman

8th Edition
The biggest Angular Conference in Europe - Warsaw & Online November 2023

7th Edition
JS Poland is a premier technology conference in CEE, focused on JavaScript ecosystem Warsaw & Online November 2023

Modern Angular Architectures: Signals, Standalone, DDD & Micro Frontends - Master Class by Manfred Steyer & Michael Egger-Zikes

Mastering Performance & Reactive Patterns with Angular: A Deep Dive into Signals & Observables - Master Class by Michael Hladky & Enea Jahollari

Scalable and Maintainable Apps With NgRx and Signals – Setting Up Enterprise Architecture - Master Class by Alex Okrushko

Mastering TypeScript's Advanced Patterns for Hardcore Development - Master Class by Tomasz Ducin

Building Fast WebApplications - Master Class by Miško Hevery

Generative AI Using MakerSuite, PaLM 2 and Angular - Master Class by Gerard Sans

Pragmatic Angular Testing - Master Class by Younes Jaaidi

Modern Angular – Standalone APIs, Injectors, Directive Composition and Signals by Michael Hladky (MAY 26, 2023)

WorkshopFest.dev - Advanced Reactive UI Patterns - Master Class by Michael Hladky (MAY 25, 2023)

WorkshopFest.dev - Angular Performance at Scale - Master Class by Michael Hladky (MAY 23-24, 2023)

7th Edition
The biggest Angular Conference in Europe - Warsaw & Online October 2022

6th Edition
JS Poland is a premier technology conference in CEE, focused on JavaScript ecosystem Warsaw & Online October 2022

Modern Angular Architectures is an online course with live Q&A calls and a community of experienced Angular developers. In this interactive course, you will learn from Manfred Steyer - Angular GDE and Trusted Collaborator in the Angular team - how large enterprise-scale Angular applications can be planned and developed. For this, we learn how Domain Driven Design (DDD) can help with planning a huge solution and how Nx Monorepos can be used for implementing our Strategic Domain Design.

5th Edition
JS Poland is a premier technology conference in CEE, focused on JavaScript ecosystem Warsaw & Online January 2022

6th Edition
The biggest Angular Conference in CEE - Warsaw & Online January 2022

August 11-12, 2022 - Performance at Scale - High-speed applications on any device

August 10, 2022 - Advanced Reactive UI Patterns

A recording of the workshop that took place on: 20-21 January, 2022

A recording of a workshop held on: 24 January, 2022

A recording of a workshop held on: 24 January, 2022

A recording of a workshop held on: 24 January, 2022

A recording of a workshop held on: 24 January, 2022

A recording of a workshop held on: 27 January, 2022

The async pipe is boring! We will skip ChangeDetection OnPush & trackBy and jump straight to the guts of performance. Exciting exercises as well as deep knowledge is core of this training.
Angular has known performance bottlenecks. Especially in larger applications. 

If you already know REDUX or reactive state management patterns and want to learn more about the internal architectural implementation details, this is the workshop you need to book. Local component state, flattening operators, contextual state and its display component templates.

It’s time to take the next step. If you feel you are comfortable with RxJS and confident to solve common challenges in your applications, this workshop is a perfect fit! Push ;) your knowledge to the next level and learn to handle the tricky things.

Business applications must be scalable, extendable and maintainable in the long term! This creates several challenges for the underlying software architecture.

In this workshop you will get to know some architectural styles, patterns and tools to master these challenges. You will learn how monorepos improve your architecture, how Nx supports you, and how it can be used to monitor and enforce your architecture.

This workshop will bring your RxJS skills to the next level! We will focus on **framework-agnostic** techniques that you can use to improve the UX of your application and learn about the essential parts of reactive architecture. Error handling, and retry strategies, as well as combination and flattening scenarios and also topics related to state management are just some of the topics covered in this workshop.

Learn how to leverage object-oriented programming principles and design patterns for creating modular, maintainable applications – in the context of modern UI development. Learn how to think, describe, and communicate with other developers using a common language and terms. Learn how to complex frameworks and libraries work under the hood by identifying the patterns that were used.
– You will use just TypeScript. No frameworks or external libraries.
– All patterns will be explained using real-world, practical use-cases.
– Solve real-world problems through hands-on exercises

During this training you will build a cloud-enabled offline-first Progressive Web App (PWA) that can seamlessly transition from online to offline while providing a great user experience. 

Offline-first apps need to support: intermittent connectivity, transition seamlessly between online and offline states, provide reliable CRUD on-device data, data synchronisation and data conflict resolution to enable real-time collaboration. Amplify DataStore is an on device persistent repository for interacting with local data and able to automatically synchronize via GraphQL. Using Amplify DataStore will allow us to implement offline-first while using a simple programming model. 

JS Poland Is A Premier Technology Conference In CEE, Focused On JavaScript Ecosystem 4th Edition (Online CET)

Meet Experts

The world’s best JavaScript experts inspire you to bring your JavaScript projects to the next level. You will meet and mingle with peers, world renowned speakers, technology fans, published authors and Open Source core committers.

The Biggest Angular Conference In CEE 5th Edition

Learn from the Best

Every year we are happy to host the best experts in the flied of Angular, TypeScript, RxJS, Redux, etc. Their presentations will let you expand your current knowledge, get practical tips and learn new trends.